Monday, September 14, 2009

the voice in me...

i felt so tensed today...Financial prudent seemed so far to catch..It flew , leaving me so stressed and wanted to vomit my anger...But where should i voice my tiredness???Yes!!!!
the feeling of so tired of waiting and waiting...anger got the better of me now!!!

Well , but the tiny voice in my heart emerged and whistling araound my ears..'Patience and you will be rewarded'..i didn't believe this tiny voice at first but then , to which i just read a few hours backward in al-Quran..."plot your Plots.Yet Allah is The Best Plotter'..
Hmmmm....basically , it so simple my asks me to have patience in my heart..Today's globalisation world seems to rob the most valuable treasure in human's civilisation...PATIENCE!!!
Because of patience , we could witness the wonder of full moon...Patience helps us to wait for a miracle baby to be born...Patience outranks when we fasting and patience does everything to make sure our we live comfortably...
Hmmm...what else to be pondered????hehe...selamat menyambut aidilfitri everyone...syukran jazilan...

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